Health Care

Health Care
Enabling Enterprises' Growth
Vidyut Info Solutions has strong capabilities in Healthcare vertical. Vidyut Info Solutions deliverables for the healthcare vertical are aimed at enhancing competitiveness through improved patient care and customer service, cost reduction and government policy compliance. The company provides a range of services including HIPAA compliance, clinic automation, interfacing with medical devices & equipment and outsourcing services. The repertoire also includes healthcare technology consulting, custom software development as well as maintenance and support services for physicians, hospitals, and managed care organizations.
Vidyut Info Solutions presents extensive product support and implementation for many proven packages in arenas like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), e-commerce, content and document management etc. The DNA of our practice lies in internal knowledge on life science and Health care to provide focused IT services and solutions to our customers.
In today's volatile market you cannot continue for a long with one system. Your process, system and communication need innovation time to time to retain your valuable customers and sustain tough competition in marketplace.