Competency Centers

Competency Centersz
Vidyut Info Solutions’ R&D takes place in focused research in technology labs where software engineers identify the technology, tools and methodologies which are most appropriate to solve specific customer challenges and work with clients to develop proofs of concept. The R&D team also develops re-usable frameworks and components to solve generic industry problems. Our R&D team is constantly looking at new technologies from leading vendors and alliances with industry leaders contribute significantly to our R&D approach.
As new technologies are more widely adopted by customers, we launch competency centers which stay at the forefront of a new technology and are the first ones to execute customer projects in that competency. As the processes and tools specific to that competency are defined and documented, a team of professionals are trained to take project execution responsibility. A core group remains dedicated to the center to perform future R&D.
Our current, technology competency centers include:
- Microsoft .NET
- Sun J2EE
- PeopleSoft